Monday, April 7, 2014

Festifools Perade

It's springtime here in Ann Arbor, Michigan. One of the many things that means is it is time for the Festifool parade. I don't really know much about how this got started but it has been going on for a few years. What I like most about events like this is how they bring people together. It's just good old plain fun.

While the Foolmoon event that took place Friday evening was troubled by fairly crummy weather the parade on Sunday had springtime weather that was almost as good as anybody could ask for. However, even though the weather on Friday was poor at best that didn't really detract from the quality of the event. People came out dressed in their costumes, festuned in lights, and still had a good time. Sometimes all that is needed to get people out is an opportunity and events like these provide that.



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